Because of COVID-19, Inner Circle Sanctuary is currently not meeting in person BUT... we are still holding weekly classes, sabbat practices, sabbats, and monthly public events. If you are a Las Vegas resident and you are interested in taking - Traditionalist Eclectic Wicca classes in a structured environment; - if you want to learn so it will stick; - if you are able to commit every week for a minimum of a year and a day, We invite you to apply. Read through our first year class information and then fill out our initial questionnaire and we'll schedule a 90 minute interview. Our introduction classes are currently on WEDNESDAY evenings on the Zoom platform. There are a minimum of three classes before you move to your regular class night. It gives you (and us) a chance to get to know each other a little better before you commit 100%. Note: You must be 18 years old or older. The interview does not guarantee entrance. Locals only; we plan to get back to our original training when it is safe. #InnerCircleSanctuary #Wicca #WiccaClasses #witchcraft #witchcraftclasses #yearandaday #IntroductionToWicca #FaithAndFact #EveryoneHasARightToTheGoddess Follow Inner Circle Sanctuary on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.
If you are interested in learning more about us, please don't hesitate to Contact Us. Divinations |
Inner Circle SanctuaryInner Circle Sanctuary is a school for traditional style Wicca and holds eight sabbat festivals every year. Categories
January 2025
Inner Circle Sanctuary
An Eclectic Traditionalist Oath-bound, Initiatory Wiccan Coven |