Our beloved, late founding High Priestess, Lady Morgana was born on this day in 1941.
All Inner Circle Witches and Witchlings owe Lady Morgana a huge debt of gratitude for this rich, amazing and effective Tradition she created for us from her own Coven lineage (both Lady Raven Brightwing's and Lady Virginia's), her vast knowledge of Magick in general, her Candle Shop Tradition teachings, and even her Buddhist training and incredible business experience. Her beloved husband, Lord Mordred, often described her as a vortex; you could not help but want to be around her. She was a force of nature, she was all but fearless, and she was also kind, generous, and gracious. She was also the epitome of a Witch. Anyone who met her knows what I mean. Her two stores, Cat 'N Cauldron and later Bell, Book, & Candle were the most incredible and resolute Witchcraft shops. If you had a question, she had an answer. If you had a problem, she had a solution. So while we remember her daily on our Altars, in our classes, and at our Sabbats, etc., on Morganamas more than any other day, we share memories of her, stories she told us, and love her that much more strongly. She made us who we are as Witches always trying to be better human beings. I know I am eternally grateful for all she did for me, and I am so looking forward to meeting her again in our next incarnations. Blessed Be Lady Morgana! Lord Tanys Interested in attending our 2022 Apotheosis Day Celebration? See our invite here: https://www.facebook.com/events/383979890543121 Apotheosis noun, uh-poth-ee-oh-sis, ap-uh-thee-uh-sis 1. the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god 2. the ideal example; epitome; quintessence: This poem is the apotheosis of lyric expression. From dictionary.com Sounds nice doesn’t it? Like Imhotep, Amenhotep son of Hapu, and Antinous, who were once commoners, but were so well loved by Kings and an Emperor, were elevated to Godhood. (Imhotep - "the one who comes in peace" - was an Egyptian chancellor to the pharaoh Djoser, probable architect of the Djoser's step pyramid, and high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis. Very little is known of Imhotep as a historical figure, but in the 3000 years following his death, he was gradually glorified and deified. wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imhotep) The Apotheosis of Washington in the eye of the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol by Constantino Brumidi in 1865. Architect of the Capitol. https://www.flickr.com/photos/uscapitol/6082318543 Or as in the painting “The Apotheosis of George Washington” which graces the inside of the dome of the United States Capital building. I first read about this in a Dan Brown novel - you know, the one about the Freemasons. Anyway, it’s a good thing, Apotheosis. And from our mortal, commoner point of view, it’s a very respectful thing. We here at ICS have been celebrating our Founders’ birthdays every year, even after their departure for the Summerlands. We continue to do so, but we also looked around and acknowledged that we ain’t getting any younger either, and someday, there may be just too many Founders and Elders rockin’ the Underworld to celebrate all their first days of this incarnation. But why “Apotheosis Day” you ask? Why not just “Dead Elders Day?” (I like it - sounds like a Punk Band!)
We feel close to our Lady and Lord, even though they are operating on other planes of existence, much like Gods. The ties that bind us to them are strong, and strengthen us, our rituals, and our magick. We hear their voices (sometimes laughing, sometimes chewing us out) and feel their presence. As the saying goes (quoting Starhawk, I believe) “What is remembered, lives” and we know this is true. It’s a lot of laughs, food, and fond memories on Apotheosis Day. At Samhain, at least the way we observe Samhain, it’s quite different. May we all achieve Apotheosis, if not in or at the end of this incarnation, then hopefully the next. And may those we leave behind celebrate our existence on this Earth after we have left Her. Lord Tanys High Priest, Inner Circle Sanctuary Originally posted 07/01/2021 Follow Inner Circle Sanctuary on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.
If you are interested in learning more about us, please don't hesitate to Contact Us. If you are interested in Joining our classes, please start with our questionnaire here. HAPPY MORDYMAS! Our Lord Mordred, founding High Priest of Temple of the Inner Circle, would be 60 years old today. He would give you the shirt off his tattooed back, would drive to AZ to ensure you weren't broken down on the side of the road (sans Spaghettios), would administer electric/magical bath salt foot baths to anyone in need, and bend over backwards to take care of his Temple, friends and customers, etc. Lord Mordred guided us well for many years, and we owe him a huge debt of gratitude for his wise guidance and tireless teaching. Many of us will be lighting a candle in his honor, dressed with Light Of The Spirit oil today. Blessed Be Lord Mordred! I will forever hear his voice in my head telling me " That came over in the Mayflower!” What a long way Inner Circle Sanctuary has come in six years. Our Coven has grown, even in the time of Covid, as have our activities, both private and public. Our Sabbat practices and Sabbat Rituals continue to be excellent, magical, and communal. We hold six classes a week, and in between these classes, the Elders interview potential new students, plan our activities, and continually edit our materials. Our planning also includes planning for the long term, as we try to leave as little to chance as possible. Over the past few years, our people, and friends who have attended our events have donated several thousands of dollars to charitable organizations, demonstrating Inner Circle Sanctuary’s commitment to the greater community. Our public lectures and other outreach have been beneficial to the public’s understanding of Witchcraft/Wicca. Inner Circle Sanctuary has been on TV and one of our most talented Elders, Lady Sisterwolf was interviewed for the piece. We are very thankful the Las Vegas Natural History Museum, Fox 5, and Henderson International School have given us the opportunity to edify the public regarding our religion and practices. Now that the “State of the Sanctuary” has been addressed, please bear with me as I describe how we got here. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHARLES GODFREY LELANDThe author of Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches, Charles Leland, was born on August 15, 1824 in beautiful Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He attended Princeton University, and in addition to his regular studies, studied Hermeticism and Neoplatonism, which undoubtedly served him well as a future folklorist and author of magical texts. Not just an Academic, he was a freedom fighter in the French Revolution of 1848, and served the Union in the Civil War, and was at the Battle of Gettysburg. Happy Birthday to Robert Cochrane, founder of the Clan of Tubal Cain and the Cochrane Craft tradition. Robert Cochrane was born as Roy Bowers on January 26, 1931 in West London to a family of eight children. He led a controversial life and even his death in 1966 is surrounded by controversy. We celebrated our High Priest's birthday this week. We were able to surprise him with cake and gifts and sentimental cards. He loved it! We loved it! We mark the days that a person was brought into the world because their lives touch ours in the most profound ways. We are grateful and thankful for it, so we celebrate them. Unfortunately, there are many who don't think their birthdays are very special at all... or to consider them special is to be vain or egocentric. There may never be convincing them otherwise but we are pretty sure Isaac Newton, John Gutenberg, Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, William Shakespeare, Michelangelo, or Martin Luther King didn't think their birthdays were special. We, as pagans practicing Wicca with Inner Circle Sanctuary, think differently. Here are some wise words from our beloved High Priest, Lord Tanys. "Here are some religio-magical reasons to celebrate your birthday the best you can:
1. It is your very own Holy Day. 2. It is when your soul (the real you, eternal and divine) entered your body (vehicle) for this incarnation. 3. It is when your Holy Guardian Angel/Daimon/Augoides/Higher Self attached Him/Herself to you for this go-around. 4. It is your personal New Year's Day. 5. It is the beginning of your Wheel of the Years. 6. It is the beginning of your Solar Year. For more information on this, read Laurie Cabot's Book of Shadows. 7. In a real sense, it is your First Initiation in this incarnation. So please observe your own birthday with joy. Try to take the day off. Try to do some magic (ritual, divination and/or meditation, etc.). You are worth it! |
Inner Circle SanctuaryInner Circle Sanctuary is a school for traditional style Wicca and holds eight sabbat festivals every year. Categories
January 2025
Inner Circle Sanctuary
An Eclectic Traditionalist Oath-bound, Initiatory Wiccan Coven |